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Robert Puls

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Jessica Corbin


Pr. Kris Totzke

Team Advisor


Carl Kieke

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Sandra McGary

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R.C. Franke


Cynthia Sparks

Future Directive Team

The Future Directive Team is encouraged to work as a guiding team in the Leadership of Faithful Innovation. This team will be active and work on what our vision is for Grace Lutheran Church.

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Gary Steenblock

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Delores Nanny

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Edie Deichmann

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Nancy Zelisko

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Virginia Zientek

Mutual Ministry

Mission Statement

We are the church within the community, we are one in Mission, one in call.


We are the committee that tends the relationship between Pastor and people, council, other committees and focus on parish relations within the church and community, personnel issues and finances.

We help set goals, establish accountability and transparency when needed. If you have any concerns or suggestions please see one of the committee members.

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