Welcoming church · Place of worship · All Inclusive ·
Open & affirming to all people
Worship at Grace Lutheran Church
Saved by Grace, Growing in Faith, Serving in Love
Services will be in the sanctuary and online at 10 AM via Facebook Live
and later on, YouTube. Go to the Worship Video page to view past
worship videos.
Hope to see you here. Please join us. ​​

"What is the meaning
of Lutherans?"
The main word, or primary idea, of Lutheranism, is the word of justification. Lutherans believe that we are saved from our sins by God's grace alone, through faith, on the basis of Scripture alone. Orthodox Lutheran belief holds that God made the world, including humanity, perfect, holy and sinless. However, Adam and Eve chose to disobey God; trusting in their own strength, knowledge, and wisdom. Consequently, people are heartbroken with original sin, born sinful and unable to avoid committing sinful acts. This is human nature for all. For Lutherans, original sin is the "chief sin, a root, and fountainhead of all actual sins."
Belief in the Bible Grace Lutheran Church is open to worshipers of all ages and backgrounds. We lead our congregation in worship, deepening the connection to God, understanding the teachings of Christ, and ultimately to a vibrant faith. We have a long, proud history of serving the people of Abilene. Through the dedication of our leadership, staff members and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. Contact us today to find out what Grace Lutheran Church is all about in our community. Check out what we support: Celebrate Recovery, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, St. Mark's Baby's Room.